
Morocco’s Atlantic Opening
“Just as the Mediterranean links Morocco to Europe, the Atlantic coast is our gateway to Africa and the Americas.” On November 6th, 2023, in his speech given on the occasion of the 48th anniversary...
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Iran-Pakistan Relations: Balancing Geopolitical Realities
What is behind Ebrahim Raisi’s most recent visit to Pakistan?  Iran and Pakistan had a challenging start to the year as their relations were strained by a significant cross-border incident. On January 16, Iran...
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Persian Gulf Security Order After Iran – Israel Direct Conflict
The direct attacks of Iran and Israel against each other indicated that both sides were leaving the conflict in the grey zone and showed the possible high cost of an open war. This...
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Doing Business in Libya?
Libya's recent history, marked by political upheaval and conflict, presents both challenges and opportunities for foreign investment. While the country possesses significant economic potential, realizing it requires addressing security concerns, strengthening governance and...
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Why did Iran and Israel Leave the Grey Zone?
With Israel's attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy and the killing of senior commanders of IRGC Al-Quds Force, including General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who played a major role in coordinating Iran's “resistance”...
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Can an Iran-Israel War Still be Avoided?
Are we (finally) witnessing the beginning of a full-blown war between Iran and Israel? Or is it business as usual? On the night of April 13-14, approximately 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles, and...
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Why Does Iran Want to be Present in the Mediterranean Sea?
With the victory of the Iranian revolution in 1979, the new government emphasized and paid attention to exporting the revolution to other countries. Although this issue was brought up with ideological motives, it...
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Morocco-Germany Security Cooperation
In the past years, Morocco and Germany have experienced a bilateral relationship that has passed through tumultuous waters before recently stabilizing and moving to forms of closer cooperation, notably in security matters. The...
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Forward-Pointing Technological Collaboration and Geopolitical Competition: Japan’s Dual Set of Goals in the Middle East
Japanese diplomacy has been successful in strengthening economic ties with Middle Eastern, especially GCC states, which may lead to various successes in the coming years. Ambitions suggest there is more to come. This...
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Doing Business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
Discover Saudi Arabia's dual prominence: global oil powerhouse and sacred religious hub. For a long time, Saudi Arabia, predominantly secluded and unexplored, has stood as one of the leading global oil producers, positioning...
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